Based on the coronavirus infection rate, a two-week restriction on freedom of movement will apply to people arriving in Estonia from Malta and Italy. The restriction applies to travellers from any country that has a coronavirus infection rate of 37,9 cases per 100 000 people or higher. Additional information here: A negative coronavirus test does not exempt a person from the restriction on the freedom of movement.
Those entering Estonia from COVID-19 risk countries will have the opportunity to be tested for coronavirus at the airport and port in order to shorten the 14-day restriction on the freedom of movement and allow them to return to work sooner. Testing is free of charge for Estonian residents; foreigners can take the test at a cost of 67 euros and can pay on the spot by card. A second test must be performed no earlier than 7 days after the results of the first test. During the 7 days the person must remain in isolation. If the second test is also negative, a person can resume their normal daily life. This means that after two negative tests a person will not be subjected to the full 14-day period of restriction on the freedom of movement, which applies to everyone coming from high-risk countries who did not undergo testing.
A two-week restriction on freedom of movement is also mandatory for anyone showing symptoms of Covid-19.