On 24 April the government of Estonia decided to extend the emergency situation which was established due to the spread of coronavirus until 17 May.
The government hopes the exit strategy proposal will be approved this week. Once an exit strategy is in place, the restrictions will be eased gradually, if the medical situation permits. The restrictions will not all be lifted at the same time. Some restrictions will be removed earlier and others will remain in force after the end of the emergency situation.
The Government extended the emergency situation in order to continue to be able to implement effective measures that are still necessary considering the spread and the control of the disease. The measures continue to be justified, given that new cases of infection and new outbreaks are still detected in Estonia.
On March 12, the Government established the emergency situation in Estonia to prevent the spread of the virus, to provide for a clear leadership and to implement additional measures necessary to keep the virus under control. On the same day, the World Health Organisation had declared the spread of coronavirus as a global epidemic and the Estonian Health Board confirmed the spread of the virus in Estonia.
While the emergency situation is ongoing, crossing the state border to enter into Estonia is allowed to a person who has Estonian citizenship, an Estonian residence permit or a right of residency, or whose permanent place of residence is in Estonia according to the population register. Everyone who enters Estonia is obligated to remain at home (quarantine) for 14 days.
The emergency measures can be reviewed at: https://www.valitsus.ee/en/emergency-situation-estonia.
Government press release 24.04.2020: https://www.kriis.ee/en/news/special-notice-government-has-extended-emergency-situation-estonia-until-may-17